Can You Describe Your Ideal Day

I am headed out for the day, so this is going to be short and to the point.

The reason I am taking the day off is because I decided a long time ago that I wanted the freedom to take a day off whenever I decided I wanted to.

Actually, I decided a lot of things at that time.

My mentor asked me to describe, in writing, what my ideal day would be like.

Frankly, I was uncomfortable with the exercise. At first, I just imagined that I won the lottery and what I would do with my new fortune and time once I quit my job. Don’t we all start with that thinking?

It took me a bit of time to wrap my head around what my ideal day would be like, if I had a choice. But I knew for certain that I would not be happy sitting around doing little to nothing.

We all have personal and business goals, but what about your ideal day?

How would you ideally like to spend your days?

What’s the purpose of achieving our business and personal goals unless they contribute to living the life we really want, on a daily basis?

That would be shallow in my book, and I bet it would be shallow in your book, too.

When we put living the life we really want as our priority, before forming our goals, then it all comes together as a motivating and stimulating plan.

If you haven’t already done this exercise, I highly recommend you do it as soon as possible.

The plan is simple. Find a quiet spot, take out a pen and paper, and describe your ideal day. Be detailed, and very specific in your description. Rewrite it as necessary. Write from the heart, that place that knows exactly what you really want.

Have fun and let yourself dream big.

A friendly reminder, we’re closing the doors on the Write Your Book Already program, in two days,

This is your last chance to get in on the fun!

  1. Check out this short video!
  2. Then schedule a time to chat with me and get answers to all of your questions here.

This is going to be epic! Don’t hesitate, there are only two spots available!!!

Remember, you only get results when you take immediate action on your ideas.

Posted by Ron Gordon

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