I venture a guess that we have all thought about writing a book at some point.
Chances are good that other people have encouraged you to write a book.
For most of us, we hesitate to write a book because of one or more reasons.
- Writing a book is too complicated
- Writing a book takes a long time
- We doubt anyone would want to read what we have to write about (imposter syndrome)
Writing a book was on my vision board for years. I experienced every one of the excuses above.
Then I wrote the book and put a big checkmark beside that bucket list item.
People come to your fitness business and seek your advice, guidance, and direction for their health, fitness, and general well-being. They pay to listen to what you say and they follow your guidance.
There goes the imposter syndrome excuse.
Now for the other excuses, writing a book can be a long and arduous process. We have all heard horror stories. In all likelihood, you have also heard the opposite. How once a decision is made, it really doesn’t take long to get the book published and in people’s hands.
If you have ever wanted to write a book, I may have a solution to the roadblocks that have stopped you in the past.
I am putting a small group of people together for August with the sole purpose of each person writing their book. While one month may seem short to you, I can tell you from experience that it can be done.
A book gives you instant credibility. A book makes you an authority. After all, you’re the person who wrote the book, is what others will say. A book separates you from the competition. A book builds your unique brand.
Will someone in our group have a best-selling book? Perhaps. But everyone in our group will publish a book that is useful to their clients and prospective customers. It will be a book that separates them from the competition down the street.
If you’re interested in more details here are a couple of things you can do to see if this is an opportunity for you.
- Check out this short video!
- Then schedule a time to chat with me and get answers to all of your questions here.
I hope you consider joining us. It’s going to be an awesome adventure and a very productive month.
Let me know how I can help you think this through. Get on my calendar today, don’t wait. It’s free!