How Will AI Affect Your Fitness Business

I just finished a discovery session with ChatGPT.

Wow! I am impressed.

What strikes me the most is the speed that AI can create text documents.

Among the impressive accomplishments were the creation of job descriptions, marketing plans, individual training plans, nutrition plans, and my favorite, a plan to learn to ride a bicycle.

On the positive side, the plans were well-written and comprehensive. On the negative side is that everything is generic and lacked personality and uniqueness.

For instance, the generic job descriptions were so generic that they would work for any business.

The training plans were also generic.

The bottom line is that the consumer is no more knowledgeable or informed than ever.

With so much free information available to the average fitness consumer, why should they choose your program and facility?

This is actually nothing new. I sat in a banker’s boardroom a few years back, with the bank’s Regional VP and decision maker to discuss financing we had applied for. We went through the usual questions from the banker. He was uncomfortable because at that time banks did not like loaning money to fitness businesses. To this day, a fitness center is considered a high-risk investment for a bank.

Suddenly, the VP looked at me with his last question, why would I, a person on the street, join your gym?

There was a short silence as I hesitated for a moment to make sure I had everyone’s full attention. I knew everything was on the line and I wanted to make sure everyone heard my answer.

With a calm voice, a steady gaze, and a confident smile, I gave him my answer in about 10 seconds.

He took it all in and thought for a moment. I didn’t know if we would get our financing, or not, but I knew I had his attention.

That was it, the meeting was over and he said he would contact us.

The banker was astute and knew all the projections in the world didn’t matter.

The only thing that mattered was if people would purchase memberships from us.

It’s still the same today

AI has only made it more important that we can articulate why we are the best option for our members in our service area. This is the Unique Value Proposition (UVP) that is the basis of all our marketing and sales.

AI is a long way from being able to articulate your UVP. Only you can do that.

This is what we must market. This is what we must sell. This is nothing new, but it’s more important than ever with AI.

If you want ideas on how to improve your UVP, reach out to me in the PS below.

Remember, you only get results when you take immediate action on your ideas.

Posted by Ron Gordon

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