Maximum Productivity, Part 1

I usually blog three times a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

This week will be a little different.

Is there anyone in the fitness business who does not want to grow their business, or grow it faster? And for some in the small business world, are tired of working 24/7, 12 hours a day.

In both cases, it comes down to growing the business and growing a small business comes down to crafting new futures, which in turn, requires maximal efficiency.

Learning new things and being more efficient comes down to personal growth, and developing new skills, habits, and routines.

The faster we grow into the newest version of ourselves, the faster our business grows.

This week I will be sharing with you the five things you need to do to develop new habits and explode your business. Think of it as a mini-training event over the next five days.

The first step in business growth is to have a goal.

On the surface, this seems simplistic and obvious, and this is where most people get it wrong.

The business growth goal needs careful thought and consideration. A growth goal will involve stretch and that has to be planned for by considering the element of time.

Time is the next critical consideration. Specifically, how much time will you need every day to focus on this goal, and how do you make that time available.

None of us walks around with empty time in our schedule. Our schedules are already full. Yet we must find time to go after our goal. This time, of course, is working on our business rather than in our business.

Today’s challenge is to revisit your goals for this year and think in terms of how much time you will need each day to make your goal a reality before your goal’s deadline.

If your goal does not have a deadline, now is the time to create one. A goal without a deadline is not a goal, it’s a dream. If this process causes you a bit of stress, congratulations, you are on the right track.

Set a timer for a short period of time, say 10-20 minutes, and write out your goals (maximum of three) and roughly calculate how much time you need to get each goal accomplished by its deadline. If you are not sure, make your best guess. We can work out the details later.

In summary, the task for today is to write out your goal with a deadline and anticipate how much time it will take to achieve this accomplishment.

Stay tuned for the next step in tomorrow’s email.

Remember, you only get results when you take immediate action on your ideas.

Posted by Ron Gordon

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