Invest In The Right Thing

I can’t tell you how many people I have met that make a decision.

Then they have to think about it.

And then they re-think their decision

I get it. Been there many times. Change is scary.

We get ideas hitting us all the time. It’s the world we live in today.

Many ideas can and need to be rejected immediately. That’s usually easy.

What about the ideas that have potential for our situation. How do we know which ones are the important ones?

The first step is to be really in tune with your body. We have visceral responses to ideas. We are drawn toward them if they have merit.

But then, we start thinking.

Usually the good idea we are drawn to begins to look a little uncomfortable, and a lot more work than we originally thought. Underneath it all is the realization that if we want different things out of life, we need to do things differently.

Uncomfortableness usually centers around a couple of themes.

  1. Finding the time to invest while in pursuit of our new dreams is a challenge. Consistent effort is required to achieve anything worthwhile.
  2. Realize that there are trade-offs and doing something new will require that we need to give something else up, at least temporarily.
  3. Investing the money. Changes that give us a new future usually (always?) require an investment of money. It makes perfect sense when we think about it. We buy the guidance, knowledge, experience and education to move in a new direction. But parting with our money is very difficult for most people, unless they are truly inspired and motivated.

There are no guarantees in life. The thinking that got you where you are is not the thinking you need to get to your new goals. Money is a medium of energy exchange.

When you truly commit to your new future, you invest the money. Just like you invest in a new car when your are truly committed to upgrading your current ride.

Interestingly, a new car only adds temporary improvement in one’s life, while an investment in education and personal development can make lifelong changes that pay continual dividends.

Posted by Ron Gordon

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