Mining For Gold (Part 2)

Yesterday I wrote in detail about getting to know your ideal customers better.

In case you missed the email, you can catch up here.

Experience in the fitness industry across several decades taught me a very valuable lesson.

(Note: I resisted what I am laying out here for a long time. I didn’t think I had the time for this exercise. My hesitation cost me a lot of money. I hope you can gain from my costly lesson.) 

The lesson I learned the hard way that my ideal customers were attending my programs in September, and the new people coming to me in September were more of the same ideal customers.

That doesn’t sound particularly profound, does it?

Interestingly, the ideal customer is often the quiet man or woman who doesn’t draw a whole lot of attention. They are serious about their fitness and quietly go about chasing their dreams and spend more money than your average customer.

One interesting task is to use your software to run a report of who spends the most on your programs. Usually, there is more than one surprise in that report.

In yesterday’s email, I talked about the demographic characteristics of your ideal customers.

Now let’s dig deeper. Let’s look at the pyschographic characteristics of your ideal clients. Here we are looking at things like values interests hobbies political affiliations religious views lifestyle attitude & personality.

The important thing is to write these common characteristics, within these general areas, down and keep a file.

From time to time these files should be updated and the fall of the year is the ideal time for the update.

So many marketing resources are wasted unless you are specifically targeting your ideal customer. Talking their language. Being relatable. Using terms and language to make them comfortable with checking your business out and joining your tribe.

It all starts with your lists of characteristics.

Stay tuned for part 3, but first commit a few minutes to getting your lists created, or updated.

And if you have more than one business focus withing your general business, you need this information for each line of your business. For instance, people interested in heavy strength training will have different characteristics than triathletes.

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Helping you grow your fitness business is the mission of the 6 Figure Trainers Program. Founder and CEO, Ron Gordon brings over 40 years of successful fitness business ownership and growth, to the tips, tricks and hacks described and outlined here.

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