A few years ago I visited my son who was living in Istanbul.
Besides visiting my son, I coordinated my trip so I could participate in the only marathon in the world that was on two continents, the Istanbul Marathon.
The city has two parts separated by the Bosporus Straight. The marathon started on the Asian side and ended on the European side of the Straight.
The Marathon was fun.
What surprised me the most was the call to prayer every day. Through the speakers on the Mosque, came the traditional sounds of the call to prayer. The frequency of these events was the most surprising thing to me.
The whole intent, of course, is to keep the participants focused on what really matters.
In the business world we are swamped with bright, shiny objects that distract us from our goals and business objectives, the things that really matter.
And every year with rapid advancements in technology, this problem gets worse.
One really good way to stay focused is to write our goals on a 3×5 card and carry it around in our pocket, then look at it periodically during the day. Perhaps even set an alarm on the phone as a reminder to reconnect with what really matters by reading that 3×5 card.
Want to take the 3×5 card to the next level? Check out this short video here.
The more focused we remain on our goals, the faster our business grows.
Interested in more ways to grow your business faster in an ever-changing world? Get on my calendar for more details.
Remember, you only get results when you take immediate action on your ideas