Part 1 – Addressing Mental Health In Fitness Programs

My youngest daughter created a ritual for our family every evening when we ate dinner as a family

She would ask everyone around the table one simple question, “What was the best part of your day.”

She insisted on an answer in a very kind and persistent way. I have no idea where she learned this, perhaps it was in her Montessori classroom. She went to college and then on with her life, and I picked up the reins and continued her tradition.

If you have dinner with me, the question will come up.

Fast forward to last week on the morning show. One morning they focused on mental health. Two guests on the show were school counselors. Both had the distinction of earning the award as the top school counselor in the USA, in different ways.

The focus of the show was what people can do to address the issue of mental health.

Their #1 technique was to ask people what the best part of their day was!

Here is a technique we can use so easily in the fitness industry.

Do you have group classes? How about a round robin asking this question of everyone. This is like asking the question on steroids. The person answering the question has the added, and huge, bonus of naturally getting every one elses support and encouragement.

Another option is to train our front desk to ask this question of everyone as they sign in.

Still further, teach all of our trainers to make this question part of each session.

Just this one question is a huge step forward to addressing the mental health issues in our community.

It’s easy, it’s simple, and it can be implemented right now.

You will run into some resistance, but this is where a smile and a little patience pays big dividends.

Stay tuned for Strategy #2 in the next issue of this email.

If you would like to talk about more specific strategies you can follow to explode your business now, get on my calendar and let’s talk. It’s free to you.

Remember, you only get results when you take immediate action on your ideas.

Posted by Ron Gordon

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