Tag: Business Building

This Alligator Stopped Me In My Tracks

This morning’s bike ride is one I will not forget. As I was riding down a gravel road, I saw what looked like an alligator in the distance. Sure enough, as I got closer I

The Truck Stop From Hades

I drive a diesel truck and because I use a fuel discount card, I refuel in the truck lanes. I really enjoy using those lanes, because there is a system and the drivers are very

Think Beach Warning Flags When Hiring A Team

I had a chance to walk on the beach in Florida yesterday. New to me was the beach Warning Flags, which were all purple. Nearby was a sign with a description of all the warning

A Sunrise And Customer Service

I started planning for my visit to Dry Tortugas National Park in December, 6 weeks ago. To put things in perspective, planning a trip like this usually takes about a year’s lead time, as I

Marketing Plans & Alligators

I saw my first wild alligator yesterday. This was a big deal to me. I am originally from up north by the Canadian Border and there are no alligators up there. I have heard horror

The Truth Behind The Champion

For a long time, the Wheaties box has featured champions in action shots at the pinnacle of their careers. The message: Wheaties is the Breakfast of Champions. More than once, I would study the picture

World-Class Pizza

I subscribe to two on-line news services that give me tremendous insights into business, the workplace, and the workforce. I am sure it comes as no surprise that the employment landscape has changed in very

Modern Hiring Practices Can Benefit By Revisiting This Proven Strategy

What is your first thought when someone mentions sales or salesperson? Chances are particularly good that it brings up a negative reaction. I remember one door-to-door salesman asking our entire family to sit around the

You and Elon Musk

When virtually addressing the G20 Summit last week, Elon Musk said: “I have too much work on my plate.” This is an understandable statement when we consider all he has going on right now. The