Tag: Fitness Business Growth

Spoiler Alert

Spoiler Alert: This is a straight-up sales pitch. I am trying to sell you on you. We have been through a couple of tough years and people are fed up – people are moving on

A Concert of Opportunity

I’m back in Rochester, NY where I spent most of my fitness business life. I find it fascinating to catch up with the local news again. Each year the community hosts a major music festival.

That Time of Year

This is the time of the year I throttle down my traveling and schedule all of my doctor appointments, check-ups, and other routine medical appointments. It makes for a crazy month and time really flies.

A Japanese Pedometer

According to Harvard Professor of Epidemiology, I-Min Lee, the concept of walking 10,000 steps has it’s roots in a branding campaign for a Japanese pedometer. In Japanese writing, 10,000 looks like a person walking! Manufacturers

A Nation of Cynics

This certainly comes as no surprise but we live in a nation of cynics. We accept that our elected officials lie, cheat, steal, and even worse.. What makes you think you are perceived any differently

And In Today’s News

One of the national news syndicates had a news story on a barber shop the other morning. What made this story worthy of national prime-time airing? The barber shop was getting into the business of

Don’t Wait – Big Mistake

I stopped my travels yesterday at a truck stop because the fuel prices were the best for miles around. Upon arrival, I was tired and decided to fuel up on my way out this morning.


What Time Is It

As you read this I am in my fourth time zone in less than a week. Since I am also hosting online meetings as I travel, it’s been a bit more than crazy. Is there


Route 66

In its day Route 66 was an institution. People traveled the famous route across the country in both directions. While parts of the road and roadside attractions still remain, the road has been replaced by