Tag: Fitness Business Growth

Oppenheimer Had A Vision

I have not seen the movie Oppenheimer, but have come across his name and his story many times during school and college classes. Oppenheimer had a vision and a big vision that changed our world. The

This Is Insane

I was looking over my goals for the rest of the year last night. I made a major decision that I’ll explain in a minute. I would encourage you to do the same, especially now

What Is Your Most Important Habit

We’re through the first of the summer holidays and the summer season has officially begun! With the coming of the warmer weather, I am about to pull up my mobile roots and head north into

Michael J. Fox On Perspective

Is there anyone with a more powerful story than Michael J. Fox? He is an inspiration. Despite all obstacles, he keeps going with his life. “With gratitude, optimism is sustainable”. is one of his quotes.

Would You Be A Buffalo Or A Cow?

I love nature and the outdoors. The natural world has so many lessons for us, if we are prepared to receive and learn, that is. Ever see a herd of cows when a storm is

You Will Never Be Ready

I caught a TV special about a successful person yesterday and a theme I have heard many times before came up. It’s the same theme I have read about many times in biographies of successful

Elon Musk’s View On Huge Setbacks

Space X’s launch of it’s latest rocket last week was noteworthy. In case you missed the launch or, more likely, missed the press coverage of the launch, here’s what happened. Space X was launching a

The Peach Cobbler Was Ruined By The Pandemic

On my way to visit a couple of my VIP clients, and take care of some personal stuff, I stopped at a restaurant to grab some lunch. This was a major restaurant chain. I don’t

Is Your Intake Process Outdated

One of my VIP clients was reviewing his intake process with me earlier today and several questions came up. First, I applaud Colby for being a man on a mission. Like most fitness businesses, the