You Will Never Be Ready

I caught a TV special about a successful person yesterday and a theme I have heard many times before came up.

It’s the same theme I have read about many times in biographies of successful people. And trust me, I have read a lot of those books.

Here is the theme: You’ll never be ready.

First and foremost, this is a mindset. Like all mindsets, it can be changed, but not without some understanding and some energy.

Throughout our formative years, most of us are taught how to do things. Our educational system is set up that way. Our friends, family, and associates all believe knowing how is mission-critical and few of us are fortunate enough to be exposed to any other way of thinking.

Successful people, really big thinkers, think and act differently.

They don’t limit themselves by believing they need to know all the steps before they embark on a seemingly impossible, never been done before task.

They know and understand that the steps to success are to first decide what you want to accomplish and then figure out the “how” on the way.

Here is a link to a short video that will help.

In the small business world owners hesitate to tackle really big things because they are not sure how to get the job done. For instance:

  1. How to double sales in 12 months
  2. How to build a team to take the business to the next level
  3. How to grow by acquiring another business
  4. How to make a business profitable once and for all
  5. How to use their business to retire at 50, or 40, or even younger

The path shared for my all successful people is to decide what you want and know your why. Then get started. The path won’t be easy nor will it be harsh and brutal.

The path forward will be an adventure of discovery and adjustments. You won’t be bored and you will be challenged every day.

The biggest danger and the only reason you won’t achieve your goal is that you will give up when the going gets really uncomfortable.

That’s what personal growth looks like and small business success follows on the heels of personal growth.

If there is something you really want, and you know, and believe then the how will come to you naturally on your journey, then you are ready. Just do it!

Remember, you only get results when you take immediate action on your ideas.

Posted by Ron Gordon

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