Tag: Fitness Business

The Iditarod Signals Spring Is Here

By the time you read this the Iditarod will have started out of Anchorage, Alaska. Thirty-three mushers, the smallest group in history, lined up for this classic event with a rich history. Ahead of them

Should You Charge To Answer A Question?

It was great to see family and visit the cold northern part of the country. I am ready to get back to southern Florida and the warmer temperatures. Air travel is expensive, and like everyone

How Often Should You Follow-Up?

I am headed out of town to visit family for the weekend. This trip will be an interesting challenge as I travel from sunny, humid Florida to Upstate NY where it is very cold and

Are You Believable?

One of my VIP clients was talking about her sales conversations yesterday. Her numbers are incredible. When a prospect comes to her gym and talks with her the odds are very near 100% that they

The Truck Stop From Hades

I drive a diesel truck and because I use a fuel discount card, I refuel in the truck lanes. I really enjoy using those lanes, because there is a system and the drivers are very

Think Beach Warning Flags When Hiring A Team

I had a chance to walk on the beach in Florida yesterday. New to me was the beach Warning Flags, which were all purple. Nearby was a sign with a description of all the warning

A Sunrise And Customer Service

I started planning for my visit to Dry Tortugas National Park in December, 6 weeks ago. To put things in perspective, planning a trip like this usually takes about a year’s lead time, as I

Lessons From a Crocodile Sighting

Having grown up near the Canadian border in Upstate New York I had never seen an alligator or a crocodile before. Those creatures were literally over 1,000 miles away. On my travels through southern Florida

What Are You Looking For

I am in the Everglades National Park for a few days of downtime. It’s very quiet and there is no cell phone service – nada. I got up before sunrise to go for a walk