The Challenge of a Storm

We had a desert storm a couple of nights ago here in the Sonoran desert.

Winds, sand/dirt everywhere, and some rain.

Being from Upstate NY, I am very comfortable with snow storms, and very inexperienced with desert storms.

Both types of storms are very different, and yet, very similar in that they challenge us in unique ways. Fortunately, the challenges are relatively short-lived and modern technology usually gives us advance warning.

Anyway, all of my equipment survived, although it was more than a little “worn” from the stress.

We have all experienced and lived through a unique and recent storm/challenge, unheard of in modern times.

And it’s not over.

At least one state has reinstituted a mask mandate. And we don’t know how many more states will do the same in the next few months.

It really doesn’t matter. Those things are out of our control.

What we can control, and the only thing we can control, is our attitude and how we spend our time.

Eighteen months ago we all saw business fold under the pressure of the unknown. Others in the same industry exploded with new growth and excitement. The fitness industry was no exception.

What was the difference?

My clients that grew kept their “why” first and foremost in their minds. Their dream was kept alive, regardless of the circumstances.

They displayed a dogged determination to persevere, regardless of the obstacles, and they have!

Here is what we did:

  1. Paid attention to the details and the small steps, like those in the 12 Days of Christmas Fitness Business Challenge.
  2. Banned together for support and met frequently to share ideas, strategies, and tactics
  3. Kept our attitudes positive and kept each other’s attitudes positive.

(Note: I am describing this in the first person because I was part of the “War Room” I created with my clients. My mission as a mentor is to become my client’s silent partner in their success, and I love it. I can’t imagine a more rewarding role to play in their lives.)

The results in 2020-2021 that can be summarized as business growth?

  1. The most significant in the personal training space was 400% growth over the past year.
  2. In the traditional small gym space, the most impressive, and this is truly impressive, is a new member a day, every day throughout 2021. This 20+ year old gym has never seen growth like this in it’s history. .

Want to hear more? Schedule a time here. It’s free and I guarantee you’ll leave the conversation knowing your “why” in a new way.

Posted by Ron Gordon

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