A Post-Superbowl Marketing Opportunity For You

Regardless of your team of choice, that was an interesting game, right to the very end.

There were some very interesting stats announced a few days before the game:

  1. Caloric consumption for people watching the game, on Superbowl Sunday was an average of 8,083 calories!
  2. 74% of people eat more on Superbowl Sunday than they do for any other Sporting event.

Wow! I had no idea the numbers were quite this high.

I have documented days of consuming this number of calories, but it was either during a full Ironman Triathlon, or mountain climbing at high altitude.

Obviously, this is an opportunity for everyone in the fitness industry, for this week.

Since the big game is over, our marketing tactics need to change a bit.

When it comes to helping people on their path to greater wellness, our strategy and our tactics are about helping people do a better job of meal planning and nutrition.

Post-game, our strategy remains the same, but our tactics are more about awareness and damage control.

People roughly know if they over-indulged in the calories for the day.

What they need now is understanding, acceptance, and a path back to healthy living.

It’s not about how many times people fall down, but about how many times they get back up from the fall.

At the end of the day, that is really our job from the start.

Make it a great week!

Remember, you only get results when you take immediate action on your ideas.

Posted by Ron Gordon

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