Mid-Week Motivation

My nephew and I arrived at the Antelope Wells border crossing into Mexico two days ago.

With that arrival, our motorcycle ride along the Continental Divide Trail, from Billings, Montana to the border, came to an end.

Yesterday was a rest day, our first in 18 days of riding.

I have never done anything like this and my mind is overflowing with thoughts, observations, and great memories.

We saw this country in its natural beauty. We traveled between 7,000 and 10,000 feet of elevation the entire time. We road for miles and hours down narrow roads with no sign of other humans. Then we would chance upon a farmer, other adventurers, and cattle grazing on the open range in the middle of the road.

It was very natural to see the untapped potential the early settlers experienced, a force that motivated and inspired them to venture into the unknown.

We were immersed in the beauty of the surroundings, while at the same time intensely focused on keeping the motorcycles moving through a constantly changing field of potentially deadly obstacles.

Untapped potential still exits everywhere in our world, as well as obstacles. This is especially true of the fitness world.

How do we take advantage of it?

By being adaptable. It’s not the strongest that survive in life and in business. it’s the most adaptable.

We are designed to evolve and grow, both personally and in business.

We are green and growing or brown and dying. There is no middle ground.

Getting to where you want to be is not hard, but you must start where you are and move ahead on faith, one step at a time.

There will be challenges and set-backs. That’s life. You will fail at some things. You will fail a lot and succeed at least one more time than you fail. That is success.

Fail forward!

If you would like to talk about how to explode your business now, get on my calendar and let’s talk. It’s free to you.

Posted by Ron Gordon

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