Not a Fun Job

I am in the process of updating some personal documents.

It’s not a fun job, at least for me, because paperwork is not particularly exciting to my adventuresome nature.

But important documents serve as marching orders when decisions need to be made. And as times change it’s necessary to update the documents.

The same is true for businesses. Articles of Incorporation, financial documents, leases, and agreements are all necessary and in some cases even required by law.

What about Marketing Plans?

Marketing is the life blood of a small business. Yet few small businesses have a written marketing plan. Instead the marketing plan is housed in someone’s head.

There are a lot of reasons marketing plans are not in writing. They are not legally required and fall down the ladder of importance as a result. They can be time-consuming, and confusing at best with all the endless options available.

Most business owners I talk to simply don’t know how to create a marketing plan.

The good news is that it’s not too hard, once you get started. Here are the first steps to follow:

  1. Create an ideal client avatar
  2. Craft your unique message to your ideal client avatar
  3. Decide what media to use to reach your ideal client
  4. Create a simple funnel to qualify your prospects
  5. Create a conversion and sales strategy
  6. Put all of this in writing on one sheet of paper

Once this is in place, simply put everything you have written down into action. Then marketing gets exciting.

If you would like help…

My next session of the Marketing and Mentoring Boot Camp Challenge starts on May 9th. It’s five days of helping you build your marketing plan, AND, I include a week’s worth of free mentoring with the program.

This is a huge deal! In five days you can build out the basics of your marketing plan. Your completed plan will serve you for the rest of your business life. This is because I am teaching not only how to build your own plan, but why and how to modify it when you are ready to go to the next level with your business.

Don’t miss this opportunity and lose your advantage to the competitor down the road. Now is the time to grow. Go here for more information or better yet, just sign up using the link here.

Remember, you only get results if you take immediate action on your ideas!

Posted by Ron Gordon

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