Tag: Business Leadership

Are You Believable?

One of my VIP clients was talking about her sales conversations yesterday. Her numbers are incredible. When a prospect comes to her gym and talks with her the odds are very near 100% that they

This Alligator Stopped Me In My Tracks

This morning’s bike ride is one I will not forget. As I was riding down a gravel road, I saw what looked like an alligator in the distance. Sure enough, as I got closer I

Why You Won’t Find Good Employees

I stopped at a big box electronics store to replace my television yesterday. I had a special unit in mind and I did not see it on the floor. Nor did I see any of

How Are You Nurturing Your Team

My southern Florida tour continues to impress me. Up to this point I have never experienced anything of Florida except the beaches along the coast. The interior is a completely different animal, both literally and

The Truth Behind The Champion

For a long time, the Wheaties box has featured champions in action shots at the pinnacle of their careers. The message: Wheaties is the Breakfast of Champions. More than once, I would study the picture

Listening Intently To Our Customers Gives Us Clues to Improve Our Marketing

I was out for my early morning walk in the RV park I am temporarily staying at. There seemed to be a car following me at a distance. After a five minutes of this, I

Modern Hiring Practices Can Benefit By Revisiting This Proven Strategy

What is your first thought when someone mentions sales or salesperson? Chances are particularly good that it brings up a negative reaction. I remember one door-to-door salesman asking our entire family to sit around the

Mystery Shopping Your Business Will Lead To Interesting Discoveries

Even before the internet was a thing I was not much of a shopper. A group of my friends and I used to wait until Christmas eve every year and then all meet at the


It’s a beautiful end-of-summer day in Upstate NY. Snow season is not too far away now. Growing up here, I quickly realized who the most important person working for the local town was. It was