This Absent-Minded Woman Almost Ran Me Over

It’s been hot here, so I get in my cycling workouts earlier in the day.

This morning I was coming down a hill at a nice pace, with a very bright flashing light on my handlebars, and a woman pulled out of her driveway from my left and without looking cut right in front of me, into the lane

She was so close that my momentum brought my bike up alongside her window. (I knew instinctively to not get behind her.)

Her window was down and I said, “You cut right out in front of me!”

She was shocked to finally see me.

What she did next was typical and I was ready.

She slammed on her brakes! Like a slingshot, I shot ahead of her and moved back to the right-hand side of the lane.

I have seen responses like this before and a long time ago I learned to not be behind a surprised driver. That’s why I pulled up alongside her on this very quiet road.

People are creatures of habit. We see this everywhere in the small fitness business world.

Take sales for instance.

During the sales conversation people, including me, always say no to certain techniques. Yet so many self-proclaimed gurus teach what turns out to be a bunch of crap.

One of my favorites is when a salesperson starts the conversation, on the phone or in person, by asking how you are. What a complete waste of time! They don’t care how you are. They think they are warming you up by asking such a question. The exact opposite is true, it’s a clear signal that you are about to be “sold” something, that you most likely have no interest in.

This is only one example of a list of trigger questions the typical salesperson is taught, all of which you should avoid using in your sales conversations in order to uniquely separate yourself from the typical sales crap.

If the person (prospect) is a complete stranger that stopped by, start by thanking them for stopping by with a huge smile on your face. Then continue with relevant questions that demonstrate you have sincere care and concern for them.

During the conversation watch their face and body language for clues to what’s important to them and explore those topics.

Want more ideas on how to have a great sales conversation? We can discuss your situation at no cost to you. Get on my calendar today! It’s free!

Remember, you only get results when you take immediate action on your ideas.

Posted by Ron Gordon

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