This Is A Job Only You Can Do!

I certainly don’t have to tell you that things don’t always go as planned, as I am sure you have those days, too.

Anyway, I was going to send you a link to last week’s webinar about growing your business fast.

Unfortunately, that is not going to happen for reasons out of my control.

But, I will overcome this temporary obstacle and get a new, fresh copy out to you in the near future.

In the meantime…

What job is yours and yours alone in your business that you cannot delegate?

The answer most people come up with right away is that you, the business owner, cannot delegate the teaching functions to someone else.

Just yesterday I heard a business owner remark about how he hires people and trains them.

Then he observes their progress and in his words, within 5 minutes he takes over the teaching again because he sees their massive shortcomings.

This owner is discouraged and frustrated with the long hours he puts into this daily teaching role.

It doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, it cannot be this way if he truly wants a business that thrives.

This owner does not need to plan a way to improve his staff right away, he needs to develop a new perspective.

He needs a perspective on what his job really is. Then and only then will things begin to work for him. Short of that, he is the proverbial hamster spinning endlessly around on a wheel.

First, the owner of the business is the CEO. This can be a very hard concept to get used to for many small business owners.

Second, the owner needs to embrace the role of the CEO, which is to develop the resources of the business.

The Role of the CEO is to develop the resources of the business!

Those resources are:

The Finances
The Marketing
The Facilities
The Program
The Team
The Community
This function in the business cannot be delegated. Everything else can be delegated, although discretion is the better part of judgment in this situation.

I’ll write more about each of these resources and what the CEO need, to be effective with this role, in the next few issues of these emails.

And I will be sharing that video from last week with you soon.

Remember, you only get results when you take action on your ideas!

Posted by Ron Gordon

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