Maximum Productivity, Part 3

I love visiting National Parks. There is so much to do and learn.

The reality is that most of our National Parks have a lot of possible activities to participate in.

So how does one decide what to do? When there are so many options.

What I found is a little research involving looking into my options and making an informed choice based on my personal interests was the best way for me to make a decision.

After considering a number of factors, I make my choice which becomes my goal.

Does this sound familiar to you?

The same thing happens in business. We are faced with challenges and opportunities every day.

In order to grow our business we need to research our options, make our choice, and create our goal. Then we need to divide our goal up into steps. The example I used in the last two issues of this email is a financial goal.

I picked a financial goal for two reasons. First, most people have a financial goal, and second, a financial goal is based on math which makes it easy to break the numbers down into smaller steps, or sub-goals.

If you missed these issues of the newsletter, you can review them here:

In Part 2 we broke our goal down into monthly and weekly segments.

The most critical part of maximum productivity, often overlooked, comes next. We need to figure out how much time we will need to determine how much focused time we need to dedicate in the pursuit of this goal to make it a reality.

For example, at one point in time I was using phone calling as my major marketing strategy. My goal was to take my business from 10k a year to 100k in annual sales. I dedicated 1 hour a day to my calling, and another hour immediately following for my record keeping and follow-up.

Doing the math once again, this meant that I needed 10 hours a week to market my business. I did not have 10 hours, or so I immediately thought. However, the more I thought about my goal, the more I saw the wisdom of knowing what effort I needed to consider and the more comfortable I became with the idea.

What I am describing here is not just theory, but a battle-hardened and proven path to explosive growth in any business.

The challenge for today is to take your monthly, or weekly mini-goal and give careful consideration to the amount of time you will need dedicated to working on this goal. It’s normal that business owners don’t quite know how much time needs to be dedicated, and if you find yourself in this situation, make an educated guess. We can always change it later as you gain experience.

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s email when we go on to the exciting step #4, to explode your business.

The step outlined today should take less than 10 minutes. Don’t skip it because it’s critically important.

Remember, you only get results when you take immediate action on your ideas.

Posted by Ron Gordon

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