Why Jenny Craig Really Went Out Of Business

I just finished up my annual round of visits with my doctors. I am very pleased with everything they said, with one exception.

It wasn’t my health that was a concern.

It was something every doctor said. And, to have every doctor say the same thing is cause for concern.

The common theme they all spoke of is that no one knows the long-term effects of the “Rona” virus.

In other words, while the world crisis is no longer a crisis, it’s that the impacts of the pandemic are far from over.

Business has been and will continue to be impacted. Many negatively, and a surprising number, very positively.

The fitness industry is full of stories of hard times, closures, and huge success stories.

Jenny Craig was in business for forty years serving a need in the marketplace.

The need did not go away.

In fact, the need for the Jenny Craig weight loss program is stronger than ever. The program was more relevant than ever.

Jenny Craig did not go out of business for its failure to secure funding as is widely reported. Funding is always available for real solutions to pressing needs.

Jenny Craig’s financial struggles, and need for funding, came from a lack of sales, pure and simple.

Lack of sales, when there is a strong market need for weight loss, and a proven track record of forty years, comes from failing to understand the changing needs of the customer and not understanding how to get their message to the customer.

Neither of these challenges is insurmountable.

The key is to change as the market changes.

Take the emerging need for mental health for instance. The fitness industry is ideally positioned to be part of the larger solution. But how many leaders in the fitness business actually address this opportunity?

Survival of the fittest is no longer the holy grail it once was. Today’s survival depends on the speed at which we can adapt to an ever-changing environment.

Stay close to your customers and understand the changes they are going through, adapt where advisable, and avoid an unnecessary ending.

Want to fix and grow your business without working 24/7/365? Schedule a time for us to talk. There is no cost to you and it will be a great investment of 30 minutes. I guarantee it!

Remember, you only get results when you take immediate action on your ideas.

Posted by Ron Gordon

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