A Challenging Description

A few years back I was challenged, on Facebook, to describe what “CrossFit Gordon” was.

It was one of those discussions with a lot of misinformation and I only knew about it because I got tagged into it.

I passionately dislike and avoid those discussions at all costs.

At the same time I was on the spot, called out, and lots of my members were engaged in the conversation and looking for my answer.

I had no choice but to respond.

I believed in CrossFit enough to spend the money of affiliation, but I also dual-branded the business, because I wanted to be clearly different programmatically, and in name, than the typical CrossFit gym.

The more I thought about how to answer this question, the more I realized what a great marketing opportunity this was for me. My goal was to differentiate myself from every other CrossFit gym in our crowded space.

My program, like yours, was an experience. How do you describe an experience in writing, and capture its essence for someone who has never had that experience?

It’s kinda like describing your first kiss. You kinda gotta be there! 🙂

Here’s the challenge, and a chance to win a $50 gift certificate.

Answer this question.

How would you describe your fitness business to a complete stranger in one sentence?

Send your answer to me and my team and I will pick two winners. Each will receive the gift certificate listed above.

You have until Monday at noon (EDT) to send your entry to me, and you can enter as many times as you like!

On Tuesday of next week, I’ll let you know how I hit it out of the park with my answer.

Remember, you get results only if you take immediate action on your ideas.

Posted by Ron Gordon

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