Category: Uncategorized


Here Is The Replay Of The Video I Created

The mini-training I did last week was a huge success! As I mentioned earlier everything seemed to be working against us with the recording (sometimes this is a good sign 🙂 ) But with some


Update on Today’s Big Announcement

One of the things I have noticed in business is that big breakthroughs are preceded by big challenges. No exceptions. My big challenge for this morning? is I am in Arizona which does not participate


The Desert Is Turning Purple

Yesterday, early evening, I rode into the hills on the side of the desert at dusk. The early evening is the time of day I like to sit quietly and count my blessings. It’s always

Maximum Productivity, Part 3

I love visiting National Parks. There is so much to do and learn. The reality is that most of our National Parks have a lot of possible activities to participate in. So how does one

Modern Hiring Practices Can Benefit By Revisiting This Proven Strategy

What is your first thought when someone mentions sales or salesperson? Chances are particularly good that it brings up a negative reaction. I remember one door-to-door salesman asking our entire family to sit around the

Ron Gordon

Business is no Joke

First let me start with the joke. Even though the subject and the content below is no joke, let’s start with a little humor. Here we go: How do two boogers get married? Before I

Ron Gordon

Who Do You Know Who Might Be Interested?

Doing the back end work in my business has never been exciting to me. (And I know I am not alone on this one. 🙂 ) I know there are people that love doing all


Creating Your Portable Roadshow, History Museum

In yesterday’s email, I wrote about the power of creating a visual history of your business.  (If you missed it, you can catch up here.) This should be a physical item or items that that


Is Fear Holding You Back?

I took a break a couple of days ago from visiting clients and gyms and did this bucket-list thing. I decided to ride my fully-loaded motorcycle up Mt Washington in New Hampshire. The road is