Claim Your Independence

I hope you had a great July 4th celebration.

I spent part of the day riding my trusty motorcycle through Update New York and it was a wonderful experience witnessing people celebrating everywhere.

Independence Day has quickly become one of my favorite holidays.

Similar to the Thanksgiving celebrations, July 4th is a holiday everyone can agree on, everyone can join together.

Our independence is universally cherished

Of course, there are many kinds of independence and for the business owner, not being held hostage by our own business ranks very high on our list.

There are so many ways our business can hold us hostage.

If we can’t leave our business for a few weeks (or months) and have it still grow and thrive without us around, we are for all intents and purposes, a hostage. We have a job, not a business.

Transitioning from a job to a business is the root of our dream and at the same time a very difficult transition for most people, because they don’t know how and lack the faith to take the uncomfortable steps to move in a new direction.

Like everything else uncomfortable, once we have made the transition and look back, everything seems natural and fairly easy.

So how do you get through the challenges?

The proven strategy is to get around other people who have overcome the obstacles and made the transition.

This is where mentoring comes in.

But not all mentoring is equal. Lots of mentoring is theoretical and gets lost in practical application

Mentoring as you work through a project vital to your success guarantees a positive outcome.

The Marketing and Mentoring program being offered by 6 Figure Trainers starting next week checks all the boxes.

You will be working on developing your own marketing plan, unique to your situation, AND you will have access to private VIP Mentoring throughout the week.

It doesn’t get any better than this.

For more information go here, but do it NOW because registration is really limited and you don’t want to miss this unique opportunity!

Make next year’s Independence Day, truly independent.

Posted by Ron Gordon

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